Comptran provides a diversity of environmental planning services covering solid waste, water quality, watershed management, storm water, water supply, facilities. We also engage in  planning and environmental permitting activities on behalf of municipal and private clients. This includes the preparation of preliminary environmental t assessment reports, environmental management plans (EMP) and environmental impact assessment reports.

We have a crop environmental, municipal, water and sanitary engineers, environmental planners and economists capable of developing short, medium and long-term plans to address a variety of environmental challenges.

At Comptran, we provide you with sustainable mitigation measures for complex environmental problems associated with urban, commercial, infrastructure and industrial developments. We always seek balance between the resources of a site and the needs of the local communities and clients.

Our years of experience in the environmental planning provide an understanding of the importance of planning and developing implementable solutions to existing and potential environmental problems. We serve our clients through a number of planning activities, including:

Surveys (Baseline studies including water sampling, noise and air quality monitoring)
Public Consultation (Scoping)
Analysis of various implementation and management scenarios (Alternatives Evaluations)
Impact identification and assessment.
Mitigation measures
Preparation of environmental monitoring and management plan